Emmys Outstanding Special Visual Effects In A Supporting Role 2018 Emmys Creative Arts "The Alienist" Winner Kent Houston, Wendy Garfinkle, Tim Barter, Rasik Gorecha, Martin Lake, Doug Larmour, Alison Griffiths, Steve Murgatroyd and Harin Hirani "Mr. Robot" Review Video Ariel Altman, Lauren Montuori, Joe Gunn, John Miller, Brian Kubovcik, Luciano DiGeronimo, Lindsay Seguin, Greg Anderson and John-Michael Buban "The Handmaid's Tale" Kevin McGeagh, Anderson Leo Bovell, Winston Lee, Xi Luo, Cameron Kerr, Stephen Lebed, Brendan Taylor, Kelly Knauff and Kelly Weisz "Gotham" Thomas Joseph Mahoney, Mattew Hunt, Ryan E. Bauer, Sina San, Sebastiano D'Aprile, Jon Anastasiades, Mike Brumit, Tim Withers and Randy Little "The Crown" Alison Griffiths, Ben Turner, Standish Millennas, Matthew Bristowe, Iacopo Di Luigi, Garrett Honn, Charlie Bennett, Jenny Gauci and Carmine Agnone